Saturday, May 3, 2008

No ducklings again

Here it is - Saturday morning. Bea and I are up and ready to head to Port Orchard to buy ducklings. But... no ducklings again. Why are they so very hard to find this year? Other years I have seen them eveywhere - but this year??? They seem impossible to get. Can't we picture cute little ducklings in the goat pen? Quacking around, pulling weeds? A farm just doesn't seem complete without them. And who really wants to live on an imcomplete farm? Now what will I do with my day. Correct papers? Clean the house? Neither compares to putchasing ducklings. And there seems to be a bit of drizzle out there. Where is the sun? I'd better go visit the critters - they always cheer me up. I won't tell them that the ducklings are once again on hold.....

1 comment:

Nancy S said...

Sadness abounds. My heart weeps for the duckless farm. At least there is Carlo...........