Sunday, December 28, 2008

Now, if you didn't have cute babies - or grandbabies to have on your Christmas card, which of these pictures would you vote for to be on your card?? I need help with a possible picture for next year's Christmas card. And who would be better judges from those of you out there who make the best comments!! Picture 1,2 or 3 - or keep working on it??
And does it look Christmasy? Or must I do some cropping?
Or should this just be one picture in a collage of pet pictures? So many choices - and only 11 months to decide.....

Thanks for your time, consideration, and comments.
ps. If I can figure out how to upload a video, the question of if Marie snores will soon be answered for all!!


erica said...

They are all very cute. I like the middle one the most.

Brooke said...

Hmmm...this is a great question that you pose to all of us. I like the middle one the best. But it looks like Junie B? is getting more of the attention in these photos. It is almost as if Gracie? has a floating head:) Now, where did you find a sleigh built for two? Maybe they should have been staged out on the deck with the snow to make it more authentic. Shoot - missed that one:) I am amazed that you got them to stay put! Too cute. I really better be getting one of these cards in 11 months!

I cannot wait to see the video! Just upload it on to or attach it in the blog post with the film strip:) We will be waiting:)

Andrew Sundberg said...

I'm a fan of #1.
Maybe the next time we're back in the NW, our dogs could hang out...:)

Kerry said...

I hope I'm not too late to get in on the vote .......
Put my vote in the column for #2 ...... although any of them you choose will be cute!
I feel so important getting to cast a vote NOW for something that will happen in 11 months!